
Sina English

Ethereum co-founder donates $1.2bn of shiba inu coin to India Covid fight – and currency instantly crashes to make it worth less
Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin donated $1 billion worth of shiba inu coin — a dogecoin spinoff — to a Covid-19 relief fund in India.
以太坊联合创始人维塔利克·布特林(Vitalik Buterin)向印度的一个新冠救助基金捐赠了价值10亿美元的shiba inu硬币(狗狗币衍生品)。
The 27-year-old Russian-Canadian programmer transferred more than 50 trillion shiba inu coins on Wednesday to the India Covid-Crypto Relief Fund. He also transferred 500 ether (or about $1.9 million) to the relief fund.
At the time of the transfer, the shiba coin was valued at $1 billion, but cryptocurrencies are notoriously volatile. Its value plunged after Buterin's donation and was off about 30% on Thursday, according to Coinbase.

What is Shiba coin?
Shiba Inu coin (code: SHIB), also known as Shiba Token, is a decentralized cryptocurrency created in August 2020 by an anonymous person known as "Ryoshi" The coin, dubbed the "DOGE killer", was modeled after Dogecoin and has a market capitalization of over $7 billion as of May 2021.
柴犬币 (代号: SHIB),也被称为Shiba Token,是一种去中心化的加密货币,由匿名人士“Ryoshi”于2020年8月创建。该代币以狗狗币为蓝本,被戏称为“狗狗杀手”。截至2021年5月,其市值超过70亿美元。
Buterin, who was just 19 when he created ethereum in 2013, was a billionaire as of May 4 when the digital currency hit $3,500. Ether was on a tear, and hit a new record of $4,385 earlier this week. One ether coin is now worth around $3,700.

例句:While several scripts have been finished, Neame says there are no definite plans for a movie or spinoff. 目前第六季有几集的剧本已经完成,不过目前还没有确定的电影或者衍生剧的计划。
Cryptocurrencies:加密货币(英文:Cryptocurrency,常常用复数Cryptocurrencies)是一种使用密码学原理来确保交易安全及控制交易单位创造的交易媒介。 加密货币是数字货币(或称虚拟货币)的一种 。比特币在2009年成为第一个去中心化的加密货币,这之后加密货币一词多指此类设计。 自此之后数种类似的加密货币被创造,它们通常被称作altcoins。 加密货币基于去中心化的共识机制 ,与依赖中心化监管体系的银行金融系统相对。
例句:Mountain weather is notoriously difficult to predict.
例句:The stock plunged in heavy trading volume yesterday.
on a tear:是个俚语,主要在美国使用。最近的几十年来,体育记者用这个词来形容一个球队连胜;商人用这个词来表示维持了成功的利润,即持续盈利。有时候也做go on a tear。